martes, 7 de abril de 2015

Plants Science 1st

 What plants need to grow
Para saber más pincha aquí: ALL ABOUT PLANTS

En casa podéis hacer algún experimento como este, para ver que es lo que necesitan las plantas para crecer:

Se pueden hacer múltiples experimentos en casa como estos, si os animáis los podéis traer a clase:

good for showing water moving through plants <- Seems easy enoughGrow a windowsill garden with your kids using food scraps (with a free printable)For our plant unit...  What happens when you put Indian corn in a pan of water?Moving Towards the Light | 25 At-Home Science Experiments | Babble.comWhat is more scientific than watching a plant grow from something one thinks would be trash! Watch the cycle of life as your children experiment with sun, water and air! Regrowing Celery, now that is science!Lucky Potato Experiment (forcing potato to form roots and grow vines in a jar)I know it's a kid project, but why not use them as live decoration in your home??                                                        What You Need:  New, clean sponge, any color  Small plate  Grass seeds  Water  Clear plastic wrap  What You Do:  Soak the sponge in water and wring out until damp. Place on plate.  Sprinkle with grass seeds.  Sprinkle with water.  Cover loosely with plastic wrap and set plate in sunny spot.  Sprinkle with water as needed to keep sponge only slightly damp.  In about two ...A science project with frightening results! Microwaved water vs purified water ... I may NEVER microwave again. yikes Imagenes sacadas de Pinterest

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